ঢাকা ০৫:১৭ অপরাহ্ন, বৃহস্পতিবার, ১৬ জানুয়ারী ২০২৫, ৩ মাঘ ১৪৩১ বঙ্গাব্দ

Eli Pal is the first Bangladeshi woman to participate in the marathon

Sitangshu Guha
  • সংবাদ প্রকাশের সময় : ১১:১৩:০২ পূর্বাহ্ন, রবিবার, ৩ নভেম্বর ২০২৪ ৩৩ বার পড়া হয়েছে
বাংলা টাইমস অনলাইনের সর্বশেষ নিউজ পেতে অনুসরণ করুন গুগল নিউজ (Google News) ফিডটি

Eli Paul, a Bangladeshi woman is running at the NY Marathon on Sunday 3rd November 2024 in memory of her deceased elder brother Dr. Kaniska Paul. She may be the first Bangladeshi American woman to complete this extraordinary sport.

It is hard to get a chance to get into the event, but she made it. For that she went through tedious year-long training. It is a 26.2 mile run starting from Staten Island @ 9:00 am and ends at Central Park, NY @ 4:30 pm near the West side of Central Park near the Restaurant Tavern on the Green.

Eli earlier completed a 1/2 Marathon (13.1 miles) in October 2022.Eli’s 1/2 Marathon n 13.1 miles in 2022 in memory of Kanishka. A dedicated Bangladeshi American.

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ট্যাগস :

Eli Pal is the first Bangladeshi woman to participate in the marathon

সংবাদ প্রকাশের সময় : ১১:১৩:০২ পূর্বাহ্ন, রবিবার, ৩ নভেম্বর ২০২৪

Eli Paul, a Bangladeshi woman is running at the NY Marathon on Sunday 3rd November 2024 in memory of her deceased elder brother Dr. Kaniska Paul. She may be the first Bangladeshi American woman to complete this extraordinary sport.

It is hard to get a chance to get into the event, but she made it. For that she went through tedious year-long training. It is a 26.2 mile run starting from Staten Island @ 9:00 am and ends at Central Park, NY @ 4:30 pm near the West side of Central Park near the Restaurant Tavern on the Green.

Eli earlier completed a 1/2 Marathon (13.1 miles) in October 2022.Eli’s 1/2 Marathon n 13.1 miles in 2022 in memory of Kanishka. A dedicated Bangladeshi American.